50 Contoh Soal US Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Isian Singkat
- Question: “Fill in the blank: ‘I look forward to ___ (meet) you.'”Answer: meeting
- Question: “Complete the sentence: ‘If I ___ (be) you, I would take that job.'”Answer: were
- Question: “Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb: ‘She ___ (go) to the gym every day.'”Answer: goes
- Question: “Complete the sentence with the correct preposition: ‘He is interested ___ science.'”Answer: in
- Question: “Fill in the blank: ‘This book is ___ (interesting) than the other one.'”Answer: more interesting
- Question: “Complete the sentence: ‘They ___ (finish) their homework before dinner.'”Answer: finished
- Question: “Fill in the blank with the correct word: ‘The ___ (fast) runner wins the race.'”Answer: fastest
- Question: “Complete the sentence: ‘She ___ (not/see) him for a long time.'”Answer: has not seen
- Question: “Fill in the blank with the correct word: ‘It is important ___ (stay) hydrated.'”Answer: to stay
- Question: “Complete the sentence: ‘We ___ (plan) to visit Paris next summer.'”Answer: are planning
Contoh Soal Essay
- Question: “Describe a memorable event in your life. Explain why it was memorable and what you learned from it.”Answer: [Contoh jawaban esai yang mencakup deskripsi detail tentang suatu peristiwa yang berkesan, alasan mengapa berkesan, dan pelajaran yang didapat.]
- Question: “Explain the impact of social media on teenagers’ communication skills.”Answer: [Contoh jawaban esai yang menganalisis dampak positif dan negatif media sosial terhadap keterampilan komunikasi remaja, termasuk contoh konkret.]
- Question: “Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.”Answer: [Contoh jawaban esai yang merinci keuntungan seperti fleksibilitas dan aksesibilitas, serta kerugian seperti kurangnya interaksi sosial dan disiplin diri.]
- Question: “What are the benefits of learning a second language?”Answer: [Contoh jawaban esai yang mencakup peningkatan peluang karir, pemahaman budaya yang lebih baik, dan perkembangan kognitif.]
- Question: “How does technology influence modern education?”Answer: [Contoh jawaban esai yang membahas penggunaan teknologi dalam pengajaran, pembelajaran jarak jauh, dan sumber daya digital.]